Preventive examinations, consultation, nutrition advice
Vaccination of dogs, cats and rabbits - we send owners a reminder for the upcoming vaccination date
Treatment against external and internal parasites
Sales of quality feed, nutritional supplements, breeding aids and clinical diets
Application of microchip, issuing of passport
Provision of health certificates (for: exhibitions, travelling abroad ...)
Treatment of claws, anal glands, ears ...
Testing rabies antibodies before travelling abroad
Advice on upbringing and training
Diagnosis and therapy of skin, ear, claw and anal gland diseases
Microscopic examination of skin scraps, hairs, earwax ...
Sampling for cultures and cytology examination
Biopsy and histological examination of skin and skin lesions
Blood sample analysis for allergology and subsequent desensitization
Surgical removal of skin lesions
Removal of skin lesions by cryopen - nitrogen
Diagnosis and therapy of hormonal disorders
Hematologic and biochemical blood tests in the office (thyroid hormone and cholesterol, glucose, liver and kidney tests, basic electrolytes, blood count)
Mediated blood testing for the diagnosis of pancreatic, adrenal and thyroid diseases, functional tests
Biochemical and microscopic examination of urine
Ultrasound and X-ray examination
Preparation of a glycemic curve in dogs and cats with diabetes
Diagnosis and treatment of disease
Determination of optimal mating time or insemination, cytological examination and progesterone determination
Ultrasound examination for pregnancy diagnosis
Ultrasound and X-ray examination
Neutering of males and spaying of females, surgery of the mammary gland (biopsy)
Diagnosis and treatment of heart diseases
Echocardiography including Doppler measurements
ECG examination for diagnosis of heart rhythm disorders
X-ray examination in the Uvaly clinic
Genetic tests for heart disease in cats
Blood pressure measurement
Diagnosis and therapy of bowel, stomach, liver and pancreas diseases
Ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity
X-ray examination of the abdominal cavity, including contrast
Hematologic and biochemical blood tests in the clinic (liver tests, bile acids, basic electrolytes, blood count)
Blood testing for the diagnosis of pancreatic diseases, digestive disorders and intestinal absorption
Biopsy and histological examination
Parasitological and chemical examination of faeces
Surgical treatment for abdominal diseases, the removal of lesions/polyps
Diagnosis and therapy for dental diseases
Ultrasonic removal of tartar
Extraction of milk teeth
Extraction of diseased and damaged teeth
Treatment of inflammatory diseases
Diagnostics and Therapy of Urinary tract conditions
Urine analysis, refractometer and microscopic analysis of biochemistry
Ultrasound screening of the bladder and kidneys
Monitoring of kidney disease including testing for SDMA markers
Diagnosis and Therapy for Incontinence
Removal of kidney stones
Basic ophthalmological examination
Diagnosis of corneal injury, tear duct disorders and eye examination
Surgical treatment for eyelid lesions/polyps
We partner with veterinary laboratories and experts as needed on a case-by-case basis:
Novopath s.r.o. - veterinary pathology
Idexx laboratories - reference veterinary laboratories